Why do people buy Macs when Windows PCs are so much cheaper?

Why do people buy Macs when Windows PCs are so much cheaper?

Posted by Tehillah Mwakalombe on 5th Jan 2022

When choosing a PC something that many note almost immediately is that Apple’s MacBooks are more expensive than comparable Windows laptops. MacBooks are about three times more expensive than similarly equipped Windows machines.

Windows vs MacBooks: Here's how the two stack up | CNN Underscored

Most people ask why? Why are people willing to pay so much when they can instead purchase on with similar capabilities for why less? And which one should you go for?

Here’s a list of the most common reasons why many buy Mac computers instead of Windows PCs, which will in turn help you decide on whether you too will buy a Macbook or Windows PC:

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1 – A consistent user experience

Unlike Windows, new versions of macOS tendS to look and operate a lot like previous versions. Yes, Apple does make changes and enhancements to macOS at times, but the changes are usually relatively subtle. Someone who last used a Mac five or six years ago can easily start using a new Mac right away without having to learn new ways of doing things.

While certain settings change over time and new settings are added, the changes to the menus are so minor that the user will usually know exactly where to look for a setting they’re interested in tweaking.

Compare that to Microsoft’s habit of moving important settings to entirely new locations in the operating system.

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2 – Reliability and stability of the hardware and software

Windows runs on an amazing variety of hardware platforms, and it runs better on some of those platforms than it does on others. Issues with hardware drivers often cause several types of problems for Windows users that Mac users rarely have to deal with.

Unlike in the Windows world, Mac hardware is pretty much standard in the sense that macOS knows what to expect after it’s installed on a machine. That seamless compatibility between hardware and software makes for a (mostly) issue-free user experience.

Find out which macOS your Mac is using - Apple Support

3 – Software updates that (almost) always work flawlessly

One unfortunate fact relating to Microsoft is that they are yet to make and implement software updates flawlessly. It’s fairly common for newly installed updates to cause issues ranging from system instability to total boot failure.

With extremely rare exceptions, that doesn’t happen in the Mac world.

While there are occasional glitches with macOS updates, most of them are relatively minor and they are quickly patched. And it’s rare indeed that an update goes so far off the rails that the machine won’t even boot up to the desktop.

4 – Long-term, reliable software support

Apple generally does a much better job at supporting older versions of macOS than Microsoft does with Windows. While they do eventually drop support for older, outdated versions, their product life-cycles typically last several years.

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5 – Higher resale value

Older Mac hardware that’s still in good condition can usually be sold for more than enough to make it worth your while.

Compare that to Windows machines which tend to become virtually worthless in regards to resale value in a relatively short period of time.

Of course you’ll never be able to sell a used Mac for enough to replace it with a new model, or even anywhere near it. But Apple hardware almost always sells for enough to make a good down payment on a new machine.

6 – Smooth and seamless integration with other Apple products and services

Apple has designed their hardware, software and services to work together in a seamless and (mostly) glitch-free environment.

iPhones, iPads, Macs and other Apple devices work perfectly with iCloud and the company’s other services. And Apple’s hardware devices also work extremely well with one another

Apple Ecosystem Explained - Tech Journeyman

(Extra) 7 – Superior branding and marketing

Apple devices of all kinds have an excellent reputation for quality with the public, and that’s always reflected in Apple’s ads and other marketing endeavours.

The old saying “You get what you pay for!” sticks in the minds of consumers, and it tends to carry even more weight with loyal Apple customers.

In conclusion, both Apple and Microsoft are able to design amazing PCs and some features are better done by one company compared to another. Therefore, it’s all up to use case and personal preference per individual.