Thank You For Making 2022 Memorable

Thank You For Making 2022 Memorable

Posted by Mbuyoti Muwela on 30th Dec 2022

We'd like to thank everyone that bought from us this past year. Because of you, we've grown to become a trusted brand, serving thousands of people and delivering thousands of orders every month across Zambia. This of course hasn't been a walk in park as it has had many challenges including delayed deliveries (at the start of year) mostly due to things outside our control. However, we tried we our best to communicate with all affected parties. There have been more challenges that made us stronger and wiser.

In 2022, we won an award as the best Zambian E-commerce Start-Up Business. We've been growing, learning and improving our services through-out the year.

When we started the year, we had recently opened our store in Ibex Hill, Salama Park and had smaller team. Today, we have a bigger team and in a few months, we will be opening a bigger store just next to our current store in Salama Park. We also have more expansion plans and better improved services for the year 2023. We are excited about 2023.

Lastly and more importantly, we'd like to thank all our friends and partners for the continued support. You make all we do possible. Thank you so much.

We wish all of you a great 2023!