Posted by Tehillah Mwakalombe on 10th Nov 2023

Did you know Google accounts are among the most frequently hacked accounts on the Internet? The reason hackers love to target Google accounts is simple…

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If someone manages to break into your Google account they’ll have immediate access and complete control over every Google service you use. All together, your Gmail account, your YouTube channel (if you have one), your AdSense account, your Google Drive online storage…

Should we rely on Google's Services for our Products/ Services | Blog

Every Google service you use will be immediately compromised if a hacker manages to break into your main Google account. if you really think about it you get to know how detrimental it would be to have you google account hacked.

Luckily, there are several things you can do to make it as difficult as possible for potential hackers to successfully break into your Google account.

First, you can choose a strong password that’s extremely securely, yet easy to remember.

This is the most important step you can take. After successful phishing attempts, weak passwords are the most commo and main reason why online accounts get hacked. And yes, that includes Google accounts.

How to Make a Strong Password: 5 Password Suggestions - N26

in this blog on our website you can learn how to create a strong password.

After you’ve selected a really strong password, the next thing you need to do is enable 2 step verification on your account. Which allows you to have an extra layer of protection. 

Once 2-Step Verification has been successfully enabled, even if a potential hacker knows your password he won’t be able to sign into your Google account without having access to your mobile phone.

Is two-factor authentication (2FA) as secure as it seems? | Malwarebytes  Labs

Next, we recommend that you visit your Google account’s Security page to see if Google has flagged any aspect of your account’s security as being incomplete or too weak.

Once you’re on that page you’ll be able to verify all of your account’s security-related settings and make changes to anything that needs to be tweaked.

And finally, make sure you avoid dangerous practices that can put your Google account (and your other online accounts for that matter) at risk.

Email Phishing, Vishing & Other Types of Attacks | Webroot

The most important thing here is to learn how to recognize phishing and scamming emails by looking at the sender and never sending any private information that someone requests for unless you're absolutly certain

And as we frequently say in our blog posts, it’s extremely important that you keep your device malware-free and avoid visiting sketchy websites. Well, that pretty much wraps it up. Once you have taken the steps mentioned above you’ll be able to rest easy knowing potential hackers will have a pretty tough time breaking into your Google account.