All about the new WhatsApp feature that lets you login on several devices

All about the new WhatsApp feature that lets you login on several devices

Posted by Tehillah Mwakalombe on 11th May 2023

WhatsApp is an ever evolving platform and the development team is always working on new ways to improve and better the user experience on their platform.

One feature that was recently announced a few weeks back, that has been controversial so far is the introduction of the multi device login support. This basically means that now you can login to your WhatsApp on several devices simultaneously.

Mark Zuckerberg announced the feature’s release on Facebook and Instagram. “Starting today, you can log into the same WhatsApp account on up to four phones,” he said. WhatsApp said that this feature will be out to all users within the coming weeks. All this while, users could only use one WhatsApp account on one phone and multiple companion devices (linked devices).

With the new feature, users’ messages will be synced across devices including other phones. So even if one device is switched off, they can access the app on other devices. This will be done with a one-time code. you will be able to link up to 4 phones as the additional devices connected to your registered WhatsApp number.

This feature has its advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is the fact that this allows users to sync up chats on several devices simultaneously without constantly re-logging in and a disadvantage is that this feels like it will somewhat reduces the high level encryption that WhatsApp has had. (This is not proven to be the case but it’s definitely a concern for several people)

In conclusion, This new feature is definitely an interesting one and even though some people love it and others don’t it’s just an addition to the many features the platform goes through. Once it’s launched, the developers will closely monitor the feedback and if it’s negative they will remove the feature and if not it’ll stay.